St Mary's Church of England Primary School & Nursery

Growing Together in God's Love to Achieve Excellence


St Mary's Church of England Primary School & Nursery News

The latest news stories from St Mary's Church of England Primary School & Nursery.


News Stories

  • Sale in Bloom - Bloomin Marvellous!
    Children from our school have been brightening up Sale town centre by taking part in Sale in Bloom. Children from the school's ECO Council have created an amazing feast for the eyes as well as peoples' stomachs (all the planting is edible)!
  • Eco Green Flag Award
    Congratulations to all our Eco Council members for working hard with Mrs Carr to achieve again the Eco Green Flag Award.
  • King Charles III Coronation Celebrations
    The weather couldn't make its mind up today. It looked like thunder storms then sunny spells. The decision to have our street party outside was made at 10:30am. The tables, chairs, music and food were all assembled. Then it started to drizzle.....
  • Simply Inspirational - Bart Gee
    St Mary's was visited by Bart Gee ...
  • Freddie Fit
    Freddie Fit has visited school today to present to the children on healthy lifestyles and fitness. He will be working directly with classes on their physical fitness from across the school either today or next Friday.
  • School Council Visit the Mayor of Trafford
    School Council would like to thank the Mayor for his hospitality. The children enjoyed the tour of Trafford Town Hall including the council chamber and Mayor's Parlour.
  • Toy Appeal
    Thank you very much for your very generous donations to the Salvation Army Toy Appeal. The last day for donations will be Friday 9th December 2022
  • Harvest - A Thank you
    Harvest is a time to be thankful for all we receive. We thought you'd like to see a picture of the produce amassed at Church...
  • African Kings Author - Ricky Strachan
    As part of Black History Month, we are excited to announce that author Ricky Strachan has visited school.
  • Meet Conker
    Conker is a reading dog ...
Showing 1-10 of 25