School uniform can be purchased online here and delivered to your home address or delivered to school (free postage) and sent home with your child. The password for the site is Stmarys1 (capitalisation is important).
All articles of clothing must be clearly marked with your child’s name
Winter uniform (Oct half term – Easter) |
Summer uniform (Easter – October half term) |
PE uniform- all year
White shirt / blouse with school tie |
White shirt / blouse with school tie Or Plain White polo shirt - no ziips or scallops |
Plain White Polo shirt |
Grey skirt/pinafore (grey, black, white socks/grey, black tights) Or Short/long grey tailored trousers (black / grey socks) |
Grey skirt/pinafore (grey, black, white socks/grey, black tights) Or Short/long grey tailored trousers (black / grey socks) Or Blue and white check dress |
School royal blue shorts - available from PSU
School V neck sweatshirt or cardigan (with logo) - available from PSU
School V neck sweatshirt or cardigan (with logo) - available from PSU
Plain Black jogging bottoms, not leggings. |
Royal blue blazer with badge - available from PSU or Petite Modes (required for most school trips) May be worn all year round. |
Royal blue blazer with badge compulsory in the Summer Term - available from PSU or Petite Modes |
Shoulder length hair should be tied back - Black, blue, hair bobbles / hairbands |
Shoulder length hair should be tied back - Black, blue hair bobbles / hairbands, gingham scrunchy |
Shoulder length hair should be tied back - Black, blue hair bobbles / hairbands, gingham scrunchy |
Black shoes |
Black shoes |
Trainers – black or white |
The suggested uniform for Nursery children is a school sweatshirt with dark jog pants
Nail varnish, hair gel and friendship bands are not allowed. Jewellery is discouraged for health and safety reasons. Small plain ear studs are however permitted, but must be removed or taped over during PE and Games lessons. All jewellery must be removed for swimming lessons. Hairstyles should not include shaved or patterned hair. Hair of shoulder length or longer should be tied back with a bobble or similar in school colours.
*An exception to the standard PE kit is an optional t-shirt in the colours of the child’s team for Junior Sports Day
(St Andrew’s – Blue; St David’s – Yellow; St George’s – Red; St Patrick’s – Green)
- Uniform4you webite - www.stmarys.uniform4you.co.uk - see website for delivery to school deadlines
- Petites Modes, 9 Tatton Road, Sale, Cheshire M33 7EB (0161 973 4231) https://petitesmodessale.com/
Lunch Boxes - Lunch boxes must be no larger than 9 x 7 inches so they can fit in racks